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TROPICAL GREENS FLAKES Tropical Fish Greens Flakes Fish Food 2.1-Ounce Container

TROPICAL GREENS FLAKES Tropical Fish Greens Flakes Fish Food 2.1-Ounce Container

Regular price $11.96 USD
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  • Contains one (1) API TROPICAL GREENS FLAKES Tropical Fish Greens Flakes Fish Food 2.1-Ounce Container
  • Contains key nutrients for a complete and balance diet for all tropical community fish
  • Includes ingredients like spirulina and beet pulp to enhance vibrant colors of fish
  • Formulated for easy digestion, leading to less toxic ammonia and cleaner, clearer water
  • Feed twice a day the amount of food your fish will consume in three minutes

Feed your herbivorous tropical fish a protein-rich diet scientifically formulated to promote healthy growth and cleaner, clearer water with API TROPICAL GREENS FLAKES Optimal Protein Food for Algae & Plant Eating Fish. Overfeeding, low palatability and low quality lead to unconsumed or poorly digested food which causes waste and raises ammonia levels. High levels of ammonia are toxic to fish and can cause gill damage, stress, illness and death. API TROPICAL GREENS FLAKES Optimal Protein Food Formula for Algae & Plant Eating Fish is a complete and balanced diet ideal for herbivorous fish including Swordtails, Mollies, Guppies and Cichlids. API Fish Food contains nutritionally-enhanced protein for maximum digestion and produces up to 30% less ammonia. The more nutrients your fish digests, the less waste and ammonia are released, leaving cleaner, clearer water. Plus, it's made with multiple algae species, beet pulp, special plant blend for healthy growth and carotenoids to enhance color. Feed twice a day, and provide only as much as your fish will eat within three minutes. API Fish Food is formulated for a variety of popular fish such as cichlids, goldfish, tetra, betta, angelfish and more with high quality ingredients fish love such as algae, shrimp, worms and more. Keep your fish healthy, happy and colorful with food that contains optimal levels of nutrients as well as helps produce less waste, toxins and stress. For delayed release try API VACATION and WEEKEND PYRAMID FEEDERS.

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